PHP FormMail Generator - A tool to create ready-to-use web forms in a flash. Once the form has been generated, you have a full functional web form. Including error checking of required fields, email address validation, credit card number & expiry date checking, multiple attachments sending, and email auto responding.


  • Unlimited fields of form
  • All standard type of fields, plus lots of template, such as credit card number & expiry date...
  • List/menu builder for multiple lists of Radio Buttons, Selection Menu, Check Box.
  • Error checking : credit card number & expiry date, email address, required fields checking.
  • Mail multiple attachments
  • Email auto responding
  • Store submitted form data to a text file
  • Multiple language support ( to do )
  • Anti-spam feature for ISP companies( to do )

    For general user:

    You don't need to worry about the technical stuff. Once you fill in the fields, such as email address you want the form to send to, subject, fields of your form. You will get a ready-to-use web form as you expected.

    For expert programmer:

    I know you can make your own signature cool code. That's no doubt about it. What I'm try to do is saving your time. As you know, form mail programming is very boring. It's no challenge at all. Why keep doing the repeated & meaningless coding. Try something new & fun. of cause, programming is part of fun.

    For ISPs & Web Hosting Companies:

    Now the Internet market is tough, especially for the companies who provide Web Hosting Service. This phpFormMail Generator can be used as a powerful tool for those clients who don't know how to build forms to their web sites. You can set this tool in a central place (minimize the administration and tech support cost).

    For All:

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